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Medical Needs Teaching Service


Admission Criteria for Queenswood Education Centre and Community Teaching

 Referrals will be considered from: 

  1. the pupil’s home school supported by written medical evidence provided by an appropriate specialist medical professional.
  2. Leeds Children’s Hospital or Red Kite View supported by written medical evidence provided by an appropriate specialist medical professional.
  • in some instances referrals will be considered by a multi-disciplinary panel who will decide if the referral is suitable.  There is an expectation that schools will have made reasonable adaptations to ensure that the needs of the young person have been met within their setting.  Best practice would include:

1) having an early help plan/multi-agency support in place.

2) having had consultations with appropriate professionals including, for example, the Area Inclusion Partnership Lead and Educational Psychologist.

3) having a designated key worker in school who oversees the referral and will act as the main link with the MNTS if the referral is accepted.  This also requires participation at planning and review meetings.

4) the member of the Senior Leadership Team responsible for pupils with medical needs will be asked to sign the MNTS/Home School Agreement.

5) home schools are required to provide their pupil with a laptop for the duration of MNTS involvement.

Please note:

  • The child or young person will be of statutory school age.
  • The child or young person will be resident in the Leeds area.
  • The child or young person will have been out of school for 15 full school days or more (within the school year) owing to their medical need.

Referral form for Queenswood Education Centre and Community Teaching

Please read the admission criteria carefully before completing and submitting the referral form (see below).

Please click here for a Word version of our referral form.

Please click here for a PDF version of our referral form.

Referrals should be submitted on the Monday in the week before the panel meeting (i.e. 8 days in advance).

Admission Criteria for Leeds Children's Hospital

  • The child or young person will be of statutory school age.
  • Referrals are made by medical professionals to the education team.
  • Children and young people admitted to the hospital from both Leeds and outside of the Leeds area will receive education.
  • The child or young person will access education from day 5 of their stay in hospital if it is their first admission. Long term or recurrent patients may receive education from day 1 (on the advice of medical professionals).

Admission Criteria for Red Kite View

 The child or young person will be of school age.

  • Referrals are made by medical professionals to the education team.
  • Children and young people admitted to the hospital from both Leeds and outside of the Leeds area will receive education.
  • Children and young people will access education on the advice of medical professionals as soon as it is deemed appropriate.